Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why is good to work with blogs?

When you first work in a foreign language, it’s difficult to say if that situation causes fear or shame, but the truth is that in one way or another the blog is a really good tool when you want to learn more about a language like English.
Why? Because it makes you think in English. And when you try to think in another language you can express yourself like if you were in another country, with unknown people. Then you realize that it is not so difficult to structure you ideas in another way and that it can be useful not only for your academic work but for your life in general.
In my case this has been a hard work, because at the beginning I did not think I can write as well as I know I can. And that’s only because I did not trust too much in myself. But when the time passed and I realize that I could do it, then I started to think more and more in English.
In a way, having a blog lets you interact in a different way with the same things that you do in your normal life; that means a significant improvement in your ability to understand and to be understood by others.
Now that we are finishing English’s classes I have to say that, even when I’m not the best writing and speaking English, at least I can express myself with others without need a translator. I got these skills working in a blog, being corrected by my teacher and classmates and trying to talk as much as possible with people in class, in my home, etc. And in that way, blog’s work has been really important because it is an interesting way of communicate ideas, feelings or opinions to others classmates. Besides, it give us the possibility of critique others’ work and learn of our own mistakes.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

About Eduardo's blog

Ok, I’m going to critique Eduardo’s blog. I hope that he will not be angry with me after this, but I’m going to try to be sincere and not too aggressive (even when Eduardo is in my black list, and he knows why).

Well, I'm going to start with the design. I think that the blog’s design is not so bad, but it is a little bit boring. Maybe if he added some colourful elements or, I don’t know, maybe some images, then the blog would appear to be more interesting.

About the posts, I’m wonder why the first post doesn’t have a title... But Eduardo has told me that he isn’t very “technologycal” and I understand him. As I can see, he has been progressing through the week and the last post was very interesting. I had read all Eduardo’s posts and, in general, I like the way he writes. Moreover, I think that his posts have a really nice prose and are very funny to read. The way he expreses himself seems to be right for a blog, and that's important: not everyone can write in a proper and orderly manner.

My favourite post is the last one: Las Meninas. And that choice is not only because I like the painting but it's the most interesting and well done of all the posts and because in it we can read more about what he likes and how he feels. It's cheesy to say but maybe the best part of reading someone's prose is to know what he thinks about art, music and all that stuff.
(If you want to read Eduardo's blog, click here You will not regret it)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"The Pearl of the Merchant"

"The pearl of the merchant" ("La perla del mercader", in spanish) is a painting by the Chilean artist Alfredo Valenzuela Puelma and it's on display at the Museo de Bellas Artes in Chile. He was born in Valparaíso in 1856 and died in Villejuif, France in 1909. He representes the climax of the Chilean formal painting. Valenzuela Puelma's themes are especially the human figure and portrait, and this painting is one of his masterpieces. He belongs to the so-called "Group of Four Masters," along with Pedro Lira, Juan Francisco Gonzalez and Alberto Valenzuela Llanos.

The first time I saw it was like 5 years ago, when I went to the museum with a very special person who was nothing more than a friend at that moment. We had already gone the museum before, but that time was special in some way. We fell in love with the painting at the first time we saw it because of its beauty and its meaning. I don't know how to explain this but, in some way, this painting is way more than just a man and a naked girl. It seems to be like a story of "A thousand and one nights", but painted by a Chilean artist. If you look closer, you can see that the girl is painted beautifully, much more than the merchant. And even when you are not trying to look at the girl, it's imposible not to see her. She is painted like she wasn't real, and that makes her so mysterious.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

So you want to work in ...... Forensics

This article from Guardian’s website and written by Liz Ford, is about the real forensic science, not the one we see on television programmes like CSI, Waking the Dead and Crossing Jordan. She interviews three people: an employer (Dr. Roger King), an university student (Robin Hoole) and a graduate (Tim Ives), who tell us about their view of the forensic field.

As Dr. King states, the real forensic field is full of specialists in chemistry, biology and anthropology, unlike what you see on TV shows, where everybody knows about everything. Moreover, the cases are not solved in 45 minutes; it takes weeks and even months to get the crucial evidence.

So it’s important to understand that what we see on Tv is not the real life: the scientists are not so glamorous and do not pursue glamour at all. The thing is that if you want to work in Forensics you have to know that it's a totally different world: you will need "attention to detail, perseverance, flexibility and discretion", as Dr. King says. As you can see, the real scientific work is full of study, hard work and it can even be a painstaking process, but if is what you love, it will be a source of satisfaction. And do not forget: Tv is only Tv.


Personally, I think that the article is giving us a practical and very truthful image of what the forensic field really is. When we see these TV shows, we think that it's so glamorous and sexy, but in real life that is only a lie. People must know that the things that they see on television aren't always true and this article helps with that.


If you are interesting in reading the article, here is the adress:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The most visited website

I really don't know what website I visit the most, but I guess that I really use Wikipedia:

I'm pretty sure that I found the web like everyone else: out of need. So, I think there is no big story in that.

And even though I think it is the website I visit the most, I always find something interesting there: if I have a doubt about a particular thing or when I'm just looking around and browsing.

A classic situation for me is to be looking a TV show and don’t know some particular thing: like when I’m looking “Dr. House” or “Bones” and they are talking about some strange disease or condition, then I go to Wikipedia and look for the meaning.

I know that maybe it is considered a boring and “nerd” website, but I really found it useful when I want to know more about something and I don’t have the right book or I know that the thing is too weird to ask another person.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Homework version 4.0

This time the post is going to be about a topic that I liked in my curse.

And one of the most interesting things that I have studied this year is the sphenoid bone.This is a bone situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporals and basilar part of the occipital bone. The sphenoid bone somewhat resembles a butterfly or bat with its wings extended.

Well, the interesting thing about this bone is that is central part of a controversy between paleontologists and physical anthropologist because some of them argue that the evolution is slow and steady rise in the natural environment and on the other hand are those who claim that this evolution happens in a phased manner just when the sphenoid changes shape, a form of programmed and attentive, simultaneously.

This last argue is very important for the human evolution, because it explains why our sphenoid changes in the apes. For example, the oldest primate, Lémures of Madagascar, have a completely flat sphenoid, and why, the humans, have a sphenoid curved like a butterfly. If we believe this theory, we have to believe that in the evolution of the human being have been four mutations of the sphenoid bone and even more, that these mutations are taken for genetic causes and simultaneously in all kind of homos (Australopithecus, Homo Sapiens and Homo Sapiens Sapiens). That explains the different evolutions, apparently unrelated geographically, appearing in Europe and Asia.

If you want to know more about this theory, check this websites:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Homework version 3.0

This week the homework is select some websites that are interesting for my area of study, which is Physical Anthropology. The following list is making with my poor knowledge of websites in english, but it is the best that I can do.
I hope you enjoy the information that I share here with you.

Human Evolution
This website have information and document summarizing the hominid fossil record and hypothesized lines of human evolution from 5 million years ago to the present.
The emphasis here are the hominids and their evolution, and the explanation of why we are like we are today. The website have very good charts and pictures.

The Leakey Foundation
The Leakeys are a dynasty of pioneering fossil hunters. The Leakey family has been remarkable in the sheer numbers of fossil and tool discoveries and the vast amount of data its members have contributed to the fields of paleontology and anthropology. They have discovered some of the most important fossil that we know, expanding our knowledge about our origins as human.

The eSkeletons Project
This is a very good website if you want to know more about bones and you doesn't have much knowledge in that area. It's very friendly and easy to understand, with pictures of each bone in particular. The best thing is that there are several kind of apes, so there is an emphasis in the study of human and primate comparative anatomy.

Forensic Entomology
Even when the entomology isn't an area so familiar to the a
nthropologist, it is very important to know that this science is key to understand the crime escene and the decomposition of corpses. A basic knowledge of the general appearance of insect of forensic importance, and a basic understanding of the proper methods for their collection, allow investigators and physical anthropologists to make accurate and representative collections from the death scene.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Homework version 2.0

Even when I wasn't in class this week (because I was sick... The flu attack me and it made me feel terrible. I had to stay in bed, drinking lemonade and traying to sleep), I have to do my homework. This week I have to talk about my weekend.

I have to start saying that my friday night was awesome: my sister, my cousin and I were to the theater to see a play called "El mercader de Venecia" ("The merchant of Venice"), which is based in a famous book of William Shakespeare. Even though I had read the book, the play make me feel in other world; the performances were excellent, the dialogue was perfectly adapted and even more: it was funny.

Saturday was a lost day. I didn't do what I had to do (homework, reeding, etc) and all because I was so, so tired. The last week was a complete horror (and the following week didn't see so much better), so I just needed a break. Even when I had to do some research for a Social Anthropology's homework, I just forgot it and I took a nap.

Sunday (April 13) was a big day for me: It was my birthday.

That day I woke up early and help my family to prepared everything because my closest friends were invited to a barbecue to celebrated that I turn nineteen. It was a very, very good day, and no only for the presents. It was funny, I laughed a lot and I forgot every worry of the past week. After all, you only turn nineteen once. And it must be celebrated, even when you have homework to do.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Homework version 1.0

This is my homework. I have to choose one song that means something for me. Then I remembered a song that I heard some years ago and that almost automatically like.
"Enjoy the silence" of Depeche Mode is one of my favourite songs, because I heard it for the first time when I was sad and in trouble. Hearing it made me feel that no situation is as serious as it would seem at first and that it can be overcomed.
The song means a lot for me, because it make me smile even when I am sad or when there are obstacles in my way. That's why I choose this song. Because when you hear it, you think immediately that it is bright.

Enjoy the silence
Depeche Mode

Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Cant you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm